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Gepostet 9 März 2023

(Apple App Store) Gravilocity (Particle Playground Visualizer, iOS)

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maulix's Profilbild
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Der nächste Psychedelikum Trip ist noch länger hin, ihr möchtet aber trotzdem gern mal wieder in ein psychedelisches Farbenspiel eintauchen? Im App Store gibt's aktuell die App "Gravilocity - Particle Playground Visualizer" für 0€ statt $0,99. Die App enthält keine In-App-Käufe und erhebt laut der Angaben im Store keine Nutzerdaten. Die durchschnittliche Bewertung liegt bei 4,7/5 (US Store). Viel Spaß.

Play with thousands of flying stars. Watch as stars respond to your fingers, while you pull, push and spin them. Watch as they fall and bounce in response to gravity and the accelerometer. Even make them pulse to a musical beat from the microphone.

Hundreds of configurable options add to the fun.


-Pinch and zoom and the stars stretch off into infinity making fractal forms.

-Touch with multiple fingers and watch lightning arc between your touches

-added VGA out support iPad/iPhone4.

-many different drawing options

-Preset system, build something interesting and save it for later.

-Shape memory feature. Stars can fly home after you push them around.

Watch Gravilocity in action:

Gravilocity is built on the critically acclaimed iBeams special effects system, which has been used to make iBeams and iBeams HD.


-To make a parameter respond to the microphone press any one of the buttons with a blue arrow on it. A controller window shows up, press mic and the parameter will now respond to the microphone.

Gravilocity was inspired by gravilux, and gravitarium, not to mention all the other particle play apps out there.

*****Totally Awesome.... Running on an iPad this is seriously psychedelic. I have tried every other visualiser on the iPad and apart from it's bigger brother I-beams this eats them all for breakfast. I have said it before but the author of this software is a real genius. - AAWh

*****One of the best of it's type

*****Its the best particle manipulator I've messed with. Really cool job

Created by Gedalia Pasternak, a Computer Graphics Engineer whose work has been seen in television commercials, video games, and the occasional military training system. As well as in the hands of bored teenagers at art museums.


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Bearbeitet von einem Moderator, 9 März 2023
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3 Kommentare

sortiert nach
's Profilbild
  1. Robil's Profilbild
    nun 1,19€
    maulix's Profilbild
    Danke für die Info.
  2. JustJon's Profilbild
    Ziemlich laggy