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Cheapest DB ticket from Aachen to Düsseldorf Flughafen

On the evening of Wednesday 10 april i need to go with the train to Düsseldorf Flughafen but are there tricks to get the train ticket cheaper?
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14 Kommentare

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  1. LinkinPark's Profilbild
    Hey you can book a flix Train Ticket (Green Trains) from Aachen to Düsseldorf Mainstation for 6-8€ (Check the Website what Time you want to travel).…973
    And from Düsseldorf Mainstation to Düsseldorf Airport you choose S Bahn nr. 11 for 3,40€.
    That should be the cheapest way (bearbeitet)
    JesseRedbull's Profilbild
    Very good option but sadly for the date i want to no option, i did saw a Flix option from Roermond to Düsseldorf for 9 euro and since i have a Dutch student ov i travel for free within the Netherlands
  2. DeltaC's Profilbild
    Find 4 other people with the route and share a group ticket
  3. Barney's Profilbild
    Cheaper than what exactly? There are several REs on your route, so all you need is a Deutschlandticket.
  4. headhunter74's Profilbild
    Travelling without paying is the cheapest way, but if you get caught, it gets expensive. (Actually I expected this sentence much earlier from ). (bearbeitet)
  5. JesseRedbull's Profilbild
    For all the friendly people who helped, best option i found was with two hour transfer in Düsseldorf so i can get the super sparpreis for 20,90 and i could check Düsseldorf itself as a bonus
  6. MrBrightside's Profilbild
    Trampen (bearbeitet)
  7. lax214's Profilbild
    23,40€ is already kind of cheap. Just buy it on
  8. gelöschteruser5555555's Profilbild
    Hobo special rate.
  9. tomsan's Profilbild
    " but are there tricks to get the train ticket cheaper?"

    What price did you find?
    JesseRedbull's Profilbild
  10. quak1's Profilbild
    From Aachen main station (Hbf)?

    €21,72 by using the VRS Eazy app.


    47098533_1.jpg (bearbeitet)
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