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Gepostet 10 Juli 2023

Betrayer [GOG] [Gratis] [1st-Person-Action-Adventure]

ElbowDrop's Profilbild
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2199617_1.jpgGRATIS ---> BETRAYER / Action / Horror / Abenteuer

Betrayer is a first person action adventure game that takes you to the New World at the turn of the 17th century.

The year is 1604. You sailed from England expecting to join a struggling colony on the coast of Virginia. Instead, you find only ghosts and mysteries. What catastrophe blighted the land and drained it of color and life? Where are the settlers and tribes who lived here?

Clue by clue, you must piece together the story of what befell this doomed settlement and find a way to set things right. You will be hunted by corrupted Conquistadors and ravening shadows as you explore an expansive wilderness in order to trace the brief, tragic history of the colony and search for survivors.

  • Explore large, open environments teeming with danger and discovery. Chart your own course in search of clues and treasures.
  • Switch between two distinct worlds featuring different enemies, obstacles, and threats.
  • Wield early 17th century weaponry including muskets, bows, crossbows, and tomahawks. Upgrade your arsenal by purchasing or finding faster, deadlier, longer-ranged weapons.
  • Charge headlong into battle with guns blazing or pick enemies off quietly. A novel, movement-based stealth system lets you hide in plain sight or use the wind to mask your footsteps.
  • Equip ability-enhancing Charms to complement your play style, granting anything from extra health to faster movement to improved stealth.
  • Play with the default visual style for maximum eeriness and tension or customize the color and contrast settings to suit your tastes.

About Blackpowder GamesOur ongoing mission is to create first person action experiences that are distinctive, compelling, and memorable regardless of scope or platform. Most of the founders began this quest together over 15 years ago at Monolith Productions and have continued to refine and improve our craft as a team ever since. We expect to continue on this righteous path for centuries to come now that the Singularity is just around the corner.

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Bearbeitet von ElbowDrop, 10 Juli 2023
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26 Kommentare

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's Profilbild
  1. masterchief1234's Profilbild
    Mal wieder alle möglichen Tracker in den Deallinks eingebettet…
    Trotzdem danke für den Hinweis.
    TonyTonyChopper's Profilbild
    Das macht aber Mydealz automatisch, nicht der Dealersteller.
  2. z56zrthh's Profilbild
    jo gutes spiel. farbmodus kann auch in farbig umgestellt werden.
    holt euch am anfang in dorfnähe aber auf jeden fall die schaufel.
    hatte das spiel fast durch bis ich endlich die schaufel fand.
    Lonto's Profilbild
    Was meinen Sie mit "farbmodus kann auch in farbig umgestellt werden"?
  3. ElbowDrop's Profilbild

    wieder Nachschub für deine super gepflegte Übersicht
    t1ppa's Profilbild
    Danke dir, war gerade am Beitrag erstellen.
    ist im Katalog der permanent kostenlosen Titel drin. gog.com/de/…mes (bearbeitet)
  4. JOT's Profilbild
    Sieht echt interessant aus - Danke!
  5. maulix's Profilbild
    Vielen Dank, mal mitgenommen.
  6. Hookupzz's Profilbild
  7. Rudhini's Profilbild
  8. Rambo42's Profilbild

    danke für den Deal 😁

    Aber vergib mir ich auch auch cold gevotet und das bei dem Hot Wetter 🥴😬✌️
    ElbowDrop's Profilbild
    Null Problemo. Alles gut. Etwas Abkühlung ist doch bei dem Wetter sogar passig
  9. RookieDealer's Profilbild
  10. Geizhals247's Profilbild
  11. DerSparfuchs's Profilbild
    Besten Dank
  12. Das.Dani's Profilbild
    Danke für die Info 🔥
  13. rollin.ontheriver's Profilbild
    Okay, cool! Danke
  14. Cazadora's Profilbild
    Top Elbow 💯
  15. Joschallo's Profilbild
  16. crypticlexi's Profilbild
    Danke für den Deal!
  17. zupdawg's Profilbild
    Gutes Spiel!
  18. John_Doe_'s Profilbild
's Profilbild