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Gepostet 12 Oktober 2023

Gratis ebook auf Englisch The Popsicle Cookbook: Ice Pop and Popsicle Recipes for 50 Delicious Frozen Desserts (eBook, ePUB)

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Popsicles. Ice Pops. Frozen Desserts. Delicious Icy Goodness. Prepared Simply.

The Popsicle Cookbook is a cookbook for popsicle lovers. This cookbook is an exploration into the world of frozen desserts and how easy they are to create. You will find over 50 delicious popsicle and ice pop recipes spread throughout one rich cookbook. Each recipe is a deep exploration into a particular way of preparing a delicious frozen dessert. You will learn all the different tastes popsicles can provided i.e. creamy and milky, sweet and tart, delicious and buttery. This cookbook presents an innovative style of cooking that is unmatched. If you are interested in learning unique ways of making popsicles then The Popsicle Cookbook will appease your heart.

Here is a preview of the diverse types of popsicles you will make:

The Caribbean Pop (Vanilla and Pineapple)
The British Pop (Earl Grey Tea and Sweet Milk)
The Countryside Pop (Blueberries and Cream)
The Latin Pop (Avocadoes and Lime)
The Pink Pop (Sweet Watermelon)
The Brown and Pink Pop (Chocolate Watermelon)
Mango Madness Pop (Nutmeg, Red Pepper, Oranges, and Mangoes)
Syrup and Cucumber Pop
Catalina's Cantaloupe Pop
Buttermilk Apple Pop
much, much, more....

Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of preparation used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, making them will take minimal effort!
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Bearbeitet von Winglet123, 12 Oktober 2023
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    Herzlichen Dank!
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    Ich hatte nach "frozen" gesucht, um nach Eiskönigin Artikeln zu suchen und schwupps war das ebook da so ein gratis Buch nehme ich natürlich gerne mit
    Balian's Profilbild
    Dank geht auch an Dich für den eingestellten Deal.
  6. ItsME's Profilbild
    Poopsicle? Lecker!
    Winglet123's Profilbild
    Bei Kindergartenkindern bestimmt der Brüller
  7. JanniBär's Profilbild
    ICE ICE 🧊, Baby 😄
  8. fischbeck's Profilbild
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