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Gepostet 2 Februar 2024

[tradepub.com] "JavaScript AIO For Dummies", "Ethical Hacking Workshop", "Artificial Intelligence in Practice" (eBook, engl.)

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von Wiley / Tradepub bekommt Ihr derzeit drei eBooks gratis. Der VGP bezieht sich auf Kindle (Amazon). Insgesamt spart Ihr damit 81,92€. Die Links sind jeweils im Buchtitel hinterlegt.

Das Formular befüllt Ihr wahlweie mit echten oder Fakedaten.

Free eBook: "Artificial Intelligence in Practice: How 50 Successful Companies Used AI and Machine Learning to Solve Problems ($24.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time"

Artificial Intelligence in Practice is a fascinating look into how companies use AI and machine learning to solve problems. Presenting 50 case studies of actual situations, this book demonstrates practical applications to issues faced by businesses around the globe. The rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence has expanded beyond research labs and computer science departments and made its way into the mainstream business environment. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are cited as the most important modern business trends to drive success. It is used in areas ranging from banking and finance to social media and marketing. This technology continues to provide innovative solutions to businesses of all sizes, sectors and industries. This engaging and topical book explores a wide range of cases illustrating how businesses use AI to boost performance, drive efficiency, analyse market preferences and many others.

"Ethical Hacking Workshop ($43.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time"

By exploring the thought process involved in ethical hacking and the various techniques you can use to obtain results, you'll gain a deep understanding of how to leverage these skills effectively. Throughout this book, you'll learn how to conduct a successful ethical hack, how to use the tools correctly, and how to interpret the results to enhance your environment's security. Hands-on exercises at the end of each chapter will ensure that you solidify what you’ve learnt and get experience with the tools. By the end of the book, you'll be well-versed in ethical hacking and equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to safeguard your enterprise against cyber-attacks.

"JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies ($24.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time"

JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies saves you shelf space by offering a complete introduction to JavaScript and how it’s used in the real world. This book serves up JavaScript coding basics before diving into the tools, libraries, frameworks, and runtime environments new and experienced coders need to know. Start by learning the basics of JavaScript and progress through the techniques and tools used by professional JavaScript developers, even if you’ve never written code before. You also get the details of today’s hottest libraries and frameworks—React.js, Vue.js, Svelte, and Node.js.
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Bearbeitet von Cybertom, 16 Februar 2024
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15 Kommentare

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's Profilbild
  1. Cybertom's Profilbild
    Da es meine Lieblings-User sowieso nach 3 Minuten wissen (wie immer) - gleich vorweg:

    Die Bücher
    - sind von der KI geschrieben
    - enthalten nichts Neues
    - taugen nichts
    - sind höchstens für Anfänger geeignet

    Habe ich was vergessen?

    Achja, der Deal ist cold, weil man immer seine echten Daten eintragen muss. (bearbeitet)
    AllYourBase's Profilbild
    Für nen Editor Assistant bist Du aber sehr zart besaitet.
    Es gibt Leute, die kommen nur zum Trollen. Ignorieren, dann entziehst Du ihnen ihre Lebensgrundlage.
  2. ChiaKhoala's Profilbild
    Danke für den Direktlink (Dieser Kommentar ist von KI geschrieben, enthält nichts Neues, taugt nix und ich bin ein Anfänger (lol))
    Cybertom's Profilbild
    Das merkt man sofort
  3. Dynastydarks's Profilbild
    Autohot für Direktlink<3
  4. NotAUser's Profilbild
    Danke für das "HIER" Cybertom!
  5. Ercan12's Profilbild
    Danke Lieblings mydealz mensch
  6. Volcano26's Profilbild
    Mit Link..?? Aw may Gad.. Richtiger Ehrenmann!!!
  7. misiek7's Profilbild
  8. Phil_Stgt's Profilbild
  9. phoenx5's Profilbild
  10. Asuryan's Profilbild
    Immer wieder gern genommen
  11. Schnäppchenfuchs-.-'s Profilbild
    Hat jemand zufällig das hier "Ethical Hacking Workshop" abstauben können, was jetzt nicht verfügbar ist und könnte das bei einem Free-Hoster uppen? TIA
's Profilbild